Machine in Flux - Wood (2019)

Collaborative work by Sunjoo Lee and Ko de Beer

Machine in Flux – Wood was invited by Ars Electronica Festival to exhibit at Linz as part of the festival in 2020.

Project made in support from MAD emergent art center and Cultuur Eindhoven

Advised by professors from Wageningen University & Research:
  Professor Sass-Klaassen in Dendrolab
  Professor Sterck in Mechanistic modelling of trees

︎︎︎ Process photos are at the bottom of the page.

A sensorial robot inspired by the growth of trees’ annual rings. Weather changes of its surroundings are recorded as changing lines in the drawing.

The machine sensitively responds to changes of light, wind, temperature, humidity, and sound. It is an exploration into the programmable smallest building blocks that make up complex natural phenomena, and discovering machines’ capacities on emulating nature.

The navigation of the robot is done by following the edge of its own line.
And it draws that line further as it goes:

︎ Home drawings / 2021

︎ Exhibition at Ars Electronica Linz / 2020

︎ Exhibition at Temporary Art Center / 2020

︎ Exhibition at BioArt LAboratories / Dutch Design Week 2019

︎ Exhibition at Vitalis Eindhoven / 2019

︎ Drawing day at Albert Van Abbehuis / 2019

︎ Process photos

1. VERY Early process (2017-2018):

2. Early process (2017-2018):

2. Mid process (2018):

3. Late process (2019) :


      Artist Notes