︎︎︎ Phototropic Robots
︎︎︎ Build your crazy symbiocene
︎︎︎ Bodies within Bodies
︎︎︎ Gardening as Electricity Making
︎︎︎ at TAC United
︎︎︎ Phototropic Robots
︎︎︎ Build your crazy symbiocene
︎︎︎ Bodies within Bodies
︎︎︎ Gardening as Electricity Making
︎︎︎ at TAC United
Build your crazy symbiocene (2020-continuous)
for speculating futures where organic and technical beings integrate to an absurd extent in a symbiocene.
What is a possible technology that can ‘reproduce’ itself? How will an ‘ever-changing’ machine function? When will a robot ‘cry’? Where will these robots live? Will they still serve humans? Guided by different thinking procedures, participants brainstorm, discuss, and visualise answers and their implications. In the end, the hybrid creatures are produced and presented with hypotheses.
for speculating futures where organic and technical beings integrate to an absurd extent in a symbiocene.
What is a possible technology that can ‘reproduce’ itself? How will an ‘ever-changing’ machine function? When will a robot ‘cry’? Where will these robots live? Will they still serve humans? Guided by different thinking procedures, participants brainstorm, discuss, and visualise answers and their implications. In the end, the hybrid creatures are produced and presented with hypotheses.
︎Online workshop with Sint Lucas teachers (2021)
︎Offline workshop with Technical University Eindhoven students (2020)

︎Offline workshop with Technical University Eindhoven students (2020)